Experienced representation for your legal needs.


Family Law

Jillian is an experienced family law litigator who represents clients going through the toughest family law situations. Whether that’s an initial divorce, paternity action, guardianship, custody/visitation modifications, or child support cases, Jillian can assist you and your family.

60 minute consult and strategy session | $300 

$300 per billable hour


Not all family law cases need to see the courtroom. In fact, the majority of all cases settle outside of court. Sometimes, all it takes is a skilled mediator to assist parties in reaching an agreement. Jillian is a thorough and tough mediator.

$250 per hour with a two hour minimum

Guardian Ad Litem

Some cases are tougher than others; especially when there are children involved. Jillian has represented the best interests of children in highly-contested custody cases. Jillian is currently accepting Guardian Ad Litem cases at a discounted hourly-rate.

$225 per hour

Parenting Coordination

Unfortunately, not all disputes end at the hit of the gavel. Some cases need live-time coordination, after litigation, to assist in settling disputes. Oklahoma Statute allows for the Court to appoint a Parenting Coordinator to help settle post-litigation disputes outside of court. Jillian can serve as your Parenting Coordinator, and bills at a reduced hourly rate.

$250 per hour  

Jillian Ramick is a modern attorney who helps clients navigate the legal field with ease.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.